
20 March 2017 – Capernaum & Nazareth

Photo 1:  Saint Peter’s Church, where Jesus returned to his disciples and asked Peter three times, “Lovest thou me?” On the field outside is where the Miracle of the Loaves & the Fishes took place.

Photo 2: Capharnaum (Capernaum), Sea of Galilee – The Town of Jesus.  This is where Jesus lived for the last 3 years of his life (he lived with Peter’s family)

Photo 3: Mount of Beatitudes – location of the Sermon on the Mount

Photo 4 & 5: Mary’s Church, the location where Gabriel appeared to Mary to tell her that she would be the Mother of Jesus

Photos 6 – 10: Nazareth – the hometown of Jesus (where he lived for nearly 30 days during his youth).

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