
Indian Lunch, Korea Gardens, American Friends

We walked a new route today from our home in area 47 to Korea Gardens Lodge on the opposite side of Old Town. Korea Gardens is where Tim and his brother will be staying for the weekend, so we planned to meet them at the lodge early this morning to begin work on our data. We always get excited when we get to explore a new part of town.

We arrived at Korea Garden Lodge at 9am this morning and had a great chat with Tim and Gary. After I spoke with them I realized just how much i miss home. I love Malawi and I have loved our adventures here but I am excited to go home and return to our normal lifestyle. That will be quite the change.

We spent the day imputing the data from our excel sheets into STATA, and afterword we used STATA to begin performing actual analysis.

Tim wowed us, once again, with his STATA skills and we learned some very valuable insights that will help me write my final report and honors thesis.

Around lunch time, Marissa and Heartlee arrived and Tim decided to take us out to Indian food for lunch. The food was delicious, obviously not as good as the curries Andrew and I make, but still very good. For us it was a nice change up from the traditional African food we typically eat. The group decided that I should order for everyone because I spent quite a bit of time in India. I tried to order a nice spread of authentic and well know dishes.

I ordered methi chicken, Tarka dal, vegetable korma, and rogan josh as the authentic dishes and then a butter chicken, lemon chicken, and prawn curry as the more familiar dishes. We also ordered several servings of rice and garlic naan for everyone to share.

We really enjoyed the conversation and company of such great friends. We are truly lucky. At the end of the lunch Andrew and I even got to take the leftovers home with us. Thanks Tim!

We enjoyed our walk home and a great evening reading our books. Right now Andrew and I are reading Long Walk to Freedom by Nelson Mandela and I am reading Gorillas in the Midst by Diane Fossey. Both are great reads!

(Below: Andrew’s post)

It’s fun seeing familiar faces in Africa! Today we met with professor Heaton at a nearby Indian restaurant for lunch.

This was a huge treat for Kylie and I because it marked the… 3rd or so time since we’ve eaten at a restaurant here in africa? Needless to say when you travel on a tight budget you restrict what you purchase quite a bit.

The food while not authentic Indian wasn’t bad. We had a good mix of curries and other dishes which were nice. I’m definitely looking forward to good Asian food when we get back to the states!

After lunch Kylie and I trekked back to our place chatting all along the way. 

Once back at George’s house we had to postpone mbeywa (sundried mouse) yet again since we were definitely too full from our lunch with Tim!

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